Vermicelli flour products, prevent excessive aluminum

Release Time:2019-05-22 14:18:53 Hits:
According to the website of the General Administration of Market Supervision, the General Administration of Market Supervision recently issued a notice on the special rectification of vermicelli and noodle products. The notice pointed out that the food safety supervision departments in all regions should urge the producers and operators to organize production and operation strictly in accordance with laws and regulations such as the food safety law and relevant standards, implement the main responsibility of the enterprises, and carry out comprehensive self-examination. The vermicelli production enterprises with vermicelli certification should ensure that the residual amount of aluminum in vermicelli is controlled to be less than or equal to 200 mg/kg.

The notice requires that in the procurement of raw and auxiliary materials, the focus should be on whether the suppliers of raw materials are strictly audited. Whether the incoming inspection records of raw and auxiliary materials are well kept to ensure that the purchased food raw materials, aluminum-containing food additives and aluminum-containing food-related products meet the national food safety standards; Whether to purchase food raw and auxiliary materials, food additives and food-related products of unknown origin and unclear identification; Producers of vermicelli should check the aluminum content in starch raw materials.

The notice clearly states that during the production, processing and manufacturing process, it is important to check whether the amount of raw materials and food additives are weighed during the production and processing process, and whether aluminum-containing food additives are used in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the "National Food Safety Standards for the Use of Food Additives" (GB 2760) and the "Announcement on Adjusting the Provisions on the Use of Aluminum-Containing Food Additives" (No.8 of 2014) issued by the former National Health and Family Planning Commission and other five departments. Whether to use aluminum-containing food additives beyond the scope and limit.

The notice pointed out that in terms of ex-factory inspection of products, manufacturers of vermicelli with certification shall focus on checking whether the residual amount of aluminum in vermicelli is controlled to be less than or equal to 200 mg/kg according to the requirements of the Announcement of the National Health and Family Planning Commission on Approving β-galactosidase as a New Food Additive Variety (No.1 of 2015); Does not have the ability to self-check, whether to entrust a qualified food inspection agency to carry out factory inspection of products; If it is found that it does not meet the standards, whether it will immediately find out the reasons, recall the products, earnestly rectify the situation, and report to the local food safety supervision department.

The circular clearly states that local food safety supervision departments should clearly define their supervision powers over producers and operators, step up daily supervision and inspection, and carry out sampling inspection, mainly inspecting the use of food formula, raw and auxiliary materials and food additives, and product inspection, etc. Local food safety supervision departments should combine the special rectification work with severely cracking down on illegal addition of non-edible substances and illegal use of food additives beyond the scope and limit to implement supervision responsibilities. In the production process, a comprehensive investigation should be carried out on the manufacturers of vermicelli and flour products with certification, with emphasis on verifying the effectiveness of the control of raw and auxiliary materials, production process control, especially the use control of aluminum-containing food additives. In the food and beverage sector, the use of aluminum-containing food additives to process food and other acts should be taken as the key content, the food and beverage service providers that process and manage flour products should be taken as the key targets, and food and beverage consumption gathering areas such as snack streets and food cities should be taken as the key areas, so as to strengthen daily supervision and inspection and investigate and punish illegal acts.

The circular pointed out that local food safety supervision departments should carry out random inspection and monitoring in combination with the annual random inspection plan. We should focus on strengthening supervision and sampling of products in vermicelli production and processing areas, wholesale markets and markets where flour products are produced and sold. We should adhere to the problem-oriented and targeted sampling of products. When necessary, we can carry out sampling inspection of raw and auxiliary materials. Those who fail the random inspection shall be disposed of in time, risks shall be controlled, and rectification shall be made in place. Involving other provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), timely notification of investigation, strict control of product safety risks.

The notice stressed that the clues of illegal acts found in the supervision and inspection should be immediately checked and severely punished. Involving upstream links or other areas, to promptly notify the clues of the case, joint investigation linkage; Suspected of committing a crime shall be handed over to the public security organ according to law. It is necessary to strictly implement the requirements of the "Regulations on Strengthening Food and Drug Safety Enforcement and Strictly Implementing Penalties for Food and Drug Violations" jointly issued by the former General Administration of Food and Drug Administration and the Ministry of Public Security. It is also necessary to increase the penalties for illegal acts and resolutely implement the "punishment to persons" for illegal acts. The persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible of illegal production and business units shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law and the ban on business shall be implemented.

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